Girl From Fatehpur : Novella Review

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Girl From Fatehpur penned by Sarita Varma and published by Indireads is a short and sweet novella which falls under the genres of chick-lit and rom-com.

Sana is from small-town Fatehpur, currently residing at Mumbai. She works at a company and Krish is her colleague who is not only besotted with her but also has just proposed her. Although he’s complete marriage material and she has no particular reason to reject his proposal, she’s wary of accepting it. Unable to decide what to do, she shares her dilemma with Zoya, her flatmate. Zoya gives her the perfect idea of thinking it over a few days of break from Krish and Mumbai.

Her cousin, Renee, is getting married in Fatehpur and that becomes the perfect excuse for Sana to take a holiday. Although she has a large family waiting for her at Fatehpur, she has never been to the village ever since her parents passed away. She’s everyone’s darling and everybody’s more than happy to see her and shower her with immense love.

She also bumps into Rajan, her childhood crush, who had no interest in her when they were kids. Rajan now lives in Seattle and is wary of the institution of marriage because of his own parents’ marriage ending on a sad note. He is that ultra-modern guy who prefers to be in a relationship without having to be arrested by customs and traditions.

They keep bumping into each-other for marriage preparations and become really close that she again fancies him. This time, Rajan is also enchanted by her and really enjoys her company. Just when things seem to be headed at a concrete level, Krish jumps into the picture. He happens to be one of the cousins of the groom and he sticks to her like glue. She’s exasperated, terrified and frustrated.

Thus forms the love triangle between Rajan, Sana and Krish and both men vying to woo her and outdo each other.

Is Sana in love with Rajan or is it just infatuation? Is Rajan also in love with Sana or is it just her disillusion? Who does she finally agree to marry, Rajan or Krish? Read Girl From Fatehpur to know.

Although she’s a freelance writer and has contributed short stories for the Chicken Soup series and has written numerous articles for magazines and web sites on history, travel, health and a host of diverse topics, Girl From Fatehpur is author Sarita Varma’s debut work under fiction.

Her writing is simple, smooth-flowing and conversant. The conversations between Sana and Zoya or her cousin Devika are hilarious, whereas those between her and Rajan are sweet and romantic. The novella showcases the hustle and bustle and the chaos that follows in the house of wedding. It also showcases the transformation of a small-town girl into a fierce and mature professional. It is an ordinary story (in a good way) and so one can relate to it and it could be anybody’s story. What makes it extra-ordinary is the author’s capacity to emote to the readers through the characters. The author has very nicely described the confusion in Sana’s heart and her varied feelings at the various developments around her.

It is a sweet read. The happy ending will leave you brimming with a smile.

Connect with the author here : Sarita Varma 

The novella is published by Toronto-based publishing house Indireads, which exclusively publishes e-books and was started with the aim to revolutionizing the popular fiction genre in South Asia.

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